Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Explosive Barrels


Any of the large red barrels located around the levels can be a major harm to you if you get close to them. One shot to them will cause them to explode and if you're nearby, you're going to get sent flying from the explosion. The same rules apply as the Transformer. Simply shoot them yourself before running by them to avoid someone using them on you. Not every level has Explosive Barrels however. The only levels that contain them are: Public Assembly, The Mines, Experimental Facility, Missile Area, Ship Deck & Prison.


Public Assembly:

1) On the far right behind the giant wooden platform the Agitator Majini speaks with the megaphone from in the main game.

2) Next to the wall where the giant red door is in the main game (The one Kirk blows up for you at the end of 1-1)

3) Right behind #2 below the house with the timer in it there

The Mines:

1) Right against the wall of the base platform in the central area

2) To the right of #1 against the wall there in the central area

3) Up on the highest pathway of the central area. There is a small tunnel you can enter that leads to the exit of the level in the main game. Inside there gainst the wall towards the left side next to a rocket launcher.

4) Inside the cave area next to a chest on the right path after the fork in the road.

5) Inside the cave area against a rock pillar near the entrance of the level from the main game

Experimental Facility:

(Please note: Almost all of the barrels on this level are 'under' the floor or above the ceiling. So be careful)

1) Underneigth the floor grate on the very very bottom floor of the level in front of the time bonus

2) Underneigth the floor grate on the right at the far end of the spike trap area, just before the jump to the small platform.

3) Underneigth the floor grate on the platform just past #2 at the end of the jump from the small platforms

4) Underneigth the floor grate at the end of the ramp behind the elevator on the bottom floor

5) Above the ceiling grate near the entrance to the top floor of the elevator by the ladder to the lower floor

6) Below the floor grate on the left side right next to the ladder of the highest platform of the level

Missile Area:

(Note: This level also contains red containers on the conveyor belts and on tables that function the same as the explosive barrels. So watch out for them as well)

1) Any conveyor belt contains explosive red containers. I don't need to list them. There are three conveyor belts in the level, all three have very visible 2-6 explosive red containers on them. Just be wary.

2) On the very bottom of the level on the left side of the conveyor belt

3) On the very bottom of the level on the right side of the conveyor belt

4) On the very bottom of the level behind the ladder

5) On a table behind the giant platform with a hole in the center where a ladder is

6) In the top left corner of the platform with the hole in the center where a ladder is

7) In the corner of the supply room to the left of the platform with the hole in the center where a ladder is

8) Next to some crates in the back of the giant U double stairway on the main level

9) In the left corner of the small nook directly in front of the giant U double stairway

10) On the left next to the mini-platform you can jump up onto that has a time bonus on it and nothing else, to the left of the U double stairway area

11) Next to the safe near the farthest most conveyor belt in the back of the level

12) Next to the ladder just past #11

Ship Deck:

1) Next to the ladder on the front of the ship where the chicken spawns in normal Mercenaries

2) Next to the wall in the corner near the safe on the front left of the ship just past the stairway from the chicken spawn area

3) Next to the wall in the corner near the safe on the front right of the ship just past the stairway from the chicken spawn area

4) In the corner on top of the large crate section in the very middle of the ship just after the ladder leading up to the middle ground before you reach the very top of the crates

5) In the corner on the right of the large area just past the left of the gate leading up to the Crane Operator

6) In the corner of the dead end of the crate section on the very far end of the ship near the exit of the level from the main game, to the left of a ladder

7) In the corner behind the time bonus just past the door leading to the crane operator


1) Inside the central area with the two holes in the floor, on the far right corner near a torture wrack.

2) Below the floor grating near the time bonus on the far left of the level, just outside the chicken spawn room

3) Inside the 3rd cell in the jail section

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