Battle Suit Jill Valentine
Cost to Unlock: 7,000 Points
Battle Suit Jill is the first and only alternate to Jill available in Versus. She's an incredibly powerful character for beginners in Survivors, but, an average at best character in Slayers. In Survivors, she starts with her VZ61 Machine Gun, 3 incendiary grenades and a First Aid Spray. In Slayers, she trades up her flame grenades for 3 hand grenades instead, and also gains the PSG-1 Sniper Rifle to her arsenal.
In Survivors, Battle Suit is the most used character for beginner players due to the sheer power of her VZ61 Machine Gun at close range. Her MG can tear another players life down faster than any other default gun in the mode. But, this only works at close range. From a distance, her MG does poor damage due to accuracy. She also starts with 3 incendiary grenades which allows her free chances to lock an opponent into place and unload the VZ into them. However, her MG can only carry her so far, so while beginners may be able to grab a quick kill here and there, relying on it as their main strategy point becomes the majorities downfall as most decent players aren't privy to standing in close range with a BS Jill long enough for her to make use of it and will pot shot her from a distance with ease, dwindling her health down while she tries in vain to get close to retain her raw close range power. So let it be known, Battle Suit Jill is not the best character in Survivors, as there is no 'best' character in that mode. Again, her MG is only good in close range combat. At range, she's not going to do much of any damage to anyone, which is why a lot of players prefer handgun characters.
In Slayers, Battle Suit is an average player. She has no amazing strengths, but doesn't have terrible weaknesses either. She's just average. Her VZ61 isn't as powerful as her B.S.A.A. counterparts Mp5, but it will do the job against normal majini. Her PSG-1 is her main weapon for dispatching of bosses, as she doesn't suffer from recoil or lag like Clubbin' Sheva does with the S75. Her Hand Grenades can be useful to toss into a mob of majini to take them all out at once while she turns her attention to a different spawn group. However, her main problem comes in the fact that dealing with bosses, plagas and other players all make heavy use of her rifle which means she'll have ammo issues with it often. Add in that the rifle still will require some time and effort to take down any of the above mentioned, so she doesn't have speed on her side either.
Against other players, again, the PSG-1 is her best bet, but it requires her to remain at range from her opponent to be effective and not leave herself open. Her VZ61 can be useful but again, it's not as powerful as the Mp5 so it won't take anyone down as fast. So her best bet is to use a hand grenade to stun a distant opponent and then unload on them with the PSG-1. Or else she'll need to stock up on Incendiary grenades as well to help her contend.
Special Ability: Jill has the only unique Knifing animation in the game. Instead of slicing with her knife, she stabs forward. Therefore she can get 2-3 stabs in the time it takes any other character to slice once with theirs. This makes her incredibly powerful at close range when the enemy is distracted, ensnared, or stuck in an animation. This also allows her to reach higher with her knife than other characters as well, giving her better range with her knife as well.
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