1) The focus of Slayers is basically identical to Mercenaries. You're there to kill as many Majini and bosses as possible to wrack up a good combo and high score. Killing players is available, but, it is NOT worth it and is NOT the focus of Slayers.
You only get 1000 points per player you kill in Slayers. So even if you kill 5 players in a row, that's only 5000 points you've gained. If the other team has a 20+ combo going on Majini and has killed a boss, they've already nearly doubled the points you got solely for player killing. If you wish to kill other players, play Survivors.
2) The general rule of thumb in Slayers regarding player killing is don't iniate it, simply retaliate. If someone kills you, return the favor. But, as long as they're not trying to kill you, leave them alone. Focus on your combo and enemies, ignore the players, they're not important. If you happen to get hit by a stray bullet or arrow from a player, don't jump to return fire. It happens. If you see yourself getting actively hit repeatedly by another player, or killed, all bets are off and you should kindly return the favor, but, it's very possible for someone to hit you by accident when trying to grab a majini or boss near you.
Be Wary, just because someone runs next to you does not mean it's open season on them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Even if they ARE a player killer and kill you, it's 1000 points, that's nothing at all. It's better to give benefit of the doubt and allow yourself to be killed once to prove they are indeed player killers before rushing to return fire on them.
Many times people will see you and simply assume you're coming to them to kill them. Run past them and avoid them and show them you're not out to get them and are trying to get enemies. If they're not a douche bag, they'll leave you alone and stop firing at you. If you have to take a few hits to get that message across, again, it's all for the better. But as mentioned, if they kill you or actively seek you out, feel free to punish them for their player killing ways.
3) STARS Wesker is not the be all/end all of Slayers. You may think his Hydra and L. Hawk make him invincible but they do not. Tribal Sheva and STARS Chris for example can punish STARS Wesker EASILY. So before you decide you're going to run up and try to kill everyone with STARS Wesker, don't. STARS Chris and Tribal Sheva will make you regret it.
4) Safari Chris comes with two Rocket Launchers. Sounds like an easy way to kill other players and dominate the match right? WRONG. NEVER EVER use his rocket launchers on other players. Again, you ONLY get 1000 points for killing a player. So you just wasted a rocket JUST for 1000 points. Aka you threw your rocket away for NOTHING. Save the rockets for bosses.
That's 2 instant boss kills you have as Safari Chris which means WAY more points for you. Don't be stupid. Even if someone is trying to player kill you, don't get desperate and try to take revenge with a rocket, take the death if you have to. Again, they only get 1000 points for it, while you can save your rocket for a boss and get back that 1000 points and them some.
Again, don't be stupid.
5) Timers may look appealing, especially if you've just come from Mercenaries, but, in Slayers, Timers are actually a BAD thing to collect unless you HAVE to. Just because you see a timer in front of you doesn't mean you should grab it. You might think everyone is expecting you to and it's the 'right' thing to do, but, it's not. You win slayers by being the player or team with the most points when time is over. The longer you stretch out the match, the more time you give your opponents to catch up to you. Not to mention the 150 enemy rule from mercenaries still applies here. So with 4 people killing things on the mpa, those 150 enemies will go FAST. Now if you've gotten 7-10 minutes in a match, you'll spend at least 4 minutes running around with NO enemies to kill. You're just wasting everyones time, including your own. Never touch Timers in Slayers unless there's 30 seconds left and you're in last place.Then grab 'one' timer to try and give you a few more seconds to gain the lead.
Timers again, are a last resort to help you fight back into the lead. Never grab all of them or multiples at once. You're only hurting yourself in the process by doing this.
6) Along with Timers, Melee kills are another thing you should try to avoid if possible. While in Mercenaries they mean everything, they apply the same rule as above because they add more time. You actually 'want' the match to be over as fast as possible while you get a quick lead and try to hold it. The more time you give the clock, the more time you give your opponents to catch up and take the lead over you. So try not to be adding +5 seconds to the clock by melee'ing enemies if you can avoid it. Just unload your weapons quickly and effectively and move on to the next enemy.
7) There is no reason to pick up every item you see on the floor. If the ammo is not for your gun, don't pick it up unless your partner has that gun and you plan to give that ammo to them at some point. You're wasting inventory slots.
8) This applies to both Slayers and Survivors. If you're playing free for all in either mode (No Teams) and are put into dying status. If another player is right next to you and about tomelee you, do NOT bother mashing on B to resucitate yourself. Even if you manage to get out of dying, you're going to take that melee hit and be put right back into it. So alls you're doing is handing your opponent 2 melee kills for the price of one. If there's no players around trying to kill you, go nuts mashing B to revive yourself, otherwise, just let yourself die. It's the much better option.
9) If you pick up a combo bonus, don't waste it. When you see 'COMBO TIME" flashing in the top corner of your screen, it's there for a reason. Go nuts trying to kill as many majini as you can. You'll get a 1000 point bonus for every majini you kill in a succesful combo during this time, on top of the normal points you'd get for doing that. There's zero reason to waste free point multipliers like that. So make an honest effort to take advantage of it. Combo Times do not stack, so don't pick up 2 at once, it's a waste.
However, do try to get to them as fast as possible in Slayers as you want those multipliers for 'you', you don't want your opponent to have them. Even if they do go to waste, at least your opponent wasn't able to get the multiplier either.
10) Find a spot and hold your position there, travel back and forth between one decently large area, and let your partner take another area. Farm that area for enemies. Don't sit together in one spot, you'll never get a high combo like that.
Combo times do stack, in a way. If you pick up a combo time when the first combo has 5 seconds left before doing, it will go up to 30 seconds again. So while it's still best to wait for it to die, it isn't totally stupid to grab alot at once. Just wait a little bit.
ReplyDelete*left before dying. Sorry for the typo it's late. XD