1) Character Selection does not matter. Machine Gun users are not better than handgun users and vice versa. Both have their pros and cons. If you have good aim, Handgun users are far better suited as they can deal more damage and gain more points faster, even from a distance than a machine gun user can. However, up close in a firefight, they will lose to a machine gun user.
A Machine gun user is better suited for those with less skill at their aim, and can kill a player fast in a close up firefight. However, they are not good for long range and anyone with recoil on their gun will cause you problems at range.
None the less, there is no 'best' character for Survivors regardless of what anyone may tell you. Every single character is evenly balanced.
2) Weapons spawn all over the map. If you can't find any weapons, kill a boss or a player. A player will leave a weapon they had (unless alls they had was their default gun) in their wake. A boss will leave a first aid spray, a shotgun, a magnum, a sniper rifle, a grenade launcher, or a rocket launcher. So if all weapon spawns have been exhausted, find a boss to kill and get yourself a decent weapon.
3) You gain points in Survivors for DEALING DAMAGE to the opponent. You do NOT have to get a kill on another player in order to get points. And you win the match by having the most points. Therefore, your focus should NOT be always on trying to kill your opponents every single time you see them. There is no need to get yourself killed or injured and hand the other team points if you don't have to. Take pot shots at the opponents when necessary, snipe them, use grenades, anything you can to hit them without them hitting you.
Obviously killing other players nets you points, and you should try to kill them whenever it is POSSIBLE to do so, but, you don't always HAVE to. If killing one player means you're going to end up with no life left, or going to get killed by their partner in return, don't bother. You're just handing free points to them by doing that. And if you're in the lead, and they're in last place, you've just given them double the points, negating the points you earned from killing them. Thus it's counter productive.
4) MELEE for a kill. If you land an enemy into dying status, DO NOT run up and blast them with your shotgun or unload your machine gun into them. Run up and perform a melee on them to finish them off. You will get FAR more points for finishing them off with a melee than you would by shooting them with your gun to death. Not only will you get more points, but, you'll save yourself precious bullets as well.
However, do NOT run in for a melee if it's not FEESIBLE to do so. If running in for a melee is going to cost you life or to get killed in return, DON'T do it. Shoot them from a distance to score the points for the kill. It's better than nothing. Don't take risks you can't afford to. Always try to melee when you CAN, but, if it's going to cause more harm than good, avoid it.
5) Do NOT rush into someone who has a shotgun/grenade launcher/rocket launcher/etc. and spam your handgun or machine gun at them like an idiot. Chances are HIGH you're going to die, repeatedly. The machine gun/handgun are DEFAULT weapons for a reason. They're weak. If someone has a shotgun aimed at your face, you are NOT going to kill them with that handgun before they kill you with their shotgun. Don't be stupid. If you don't have any other guns to fight back with, go find a boss and kill them for one.
6) Stop running in front of red barrels or under transformers, or into spike traps. You're just ASKING your opponents to use those objects against you. Learn where these traps are and learn how to avoid them or lure your opponents into them WITHOUT putting yourself at risk.
On the same token, if you manage to hit your opponents with one of these traps such as an exploding barrel or transformer, or happen to hit them with a grenade round, the BEST thing to do is to immediately switch to another weapon and take pot shots on them as they're getting up off the floor or in the stun animation from burning or being electricuted. This is an EASY way to get FREE hits and points on your opponent and can often end up putting them in dying, or at least in danger status.
Especially with grenade launchers, stunning them with one round and immediately switching to another gun for pot shots is the a far quicker and more effective way to kill someone than simply firing round after round of the grenade launcher. The player will have a brief invincibility to being stunned again after you hit them the first time. So spamming electrical rounds etc. at someone will only stun them the first time, then they can quickly return fire on you while you're shooting more at them and potentially kill you. Whereas if you take your pot shots while they're locked in the initial stun, you'll have a better chance of killing them or lowering their life.
7) PAY ATTENTION to the team you are on. If you're on Alpha Team, your color is blue. If you're on Bravo, your color is yellow. Pay attention to this. If you see 3P running towards you and 3P is in blue, and you are on blue, do NOT shoot your partner and waste ammo or potentially hurt them with rockets or grenades etc. foolishly. Pay attention to the team you are on so that you are not killing your own team member by accident. This is one of the stupidiest mistakes people make, and it is 100% due to ignorance and laziness on the players behalf for not paying attention.
8) LEARN when to leave your partner to die. This may sound bad, but, it's actually the best strategy at times. If your partner is put into dying and you resucitate them only to have them shot or hit back into dying again, do NOT keep on reviving them over and over.
Your opponents are waiting right behind you to immediately shoot him back into dying. Worse yet, if they're standing there with a knife, you're going to get hit too. So each time you revive your partner, you're killing yourself slowly in the process until BOTH of you are put into dying. On top of that, each time you revive him and he gets hit back into dying, you're handing them points left and right.
If you try to revive your partner and they immediately get hit back into dying and you see your opponents just waiting for you to revive him again, just run away and let him die. Yes, he died, but, they'll only get the points for that 'one' kill and nothing more, and your partner will revive with full health and ammo stock in their default gun, far better than having him run around with no life and becoming an easy kill.
On the same token, if you see your partner in dying status and your opponent is standing there waiting for you to come in and revive him while aiming a gun, don't be foolish and attempt it. Just let him die to begin with.
And lastly but not least, If you're running in to try and save your partner and see your opponent running at them to hit them with a melee, DO NOT stand between them and the opponent. You WILL get hit with the melee too and end up in dying status immediately from that one melee. If your opponent is RIGHT THERE, 1) you're going to get hit with that melee too if you rush in 2) Even if you don't get hit, you're going to waste that heal for nothing because they're gonna get hit by that melee. Even if the heal works on them, the melee is going to put them back into dying status immediately. So again, you just wasted a heal for nothing and handed the other team double the points for two melee kills now. One of the best things you can do even is to use an Incindinary Grenade or Flame Round on your partner if possible to instantly kill them and only take the -1000 points rather than give the enemy a chance to get the melee on them.
You should always try to help your partner out, but, as with everything else, ONLY when it's feesible to do so. If it's going to hurt you and your team more to help them than it will benefit you, don't.
9) Watch your back. Even though you don't get points for killing majini and bosses, they're still there, and they are still going to try and kill you. Don't stand around for too long trying to snipe someone or spam rounds at them and leave yourself open to getting your head sawed off by a chainsaw or slammed to the ground by an axe.
You don't get points for killing enemies, but, you can still kill them and try to temporarily secure your spot for a brief moment while you restock on supplies, heal, or try to use long range tactics on your opponents. Just remember, that 'security' is only temporary, so do what you have to do and make it brief before moving on or resecuring the area before attempting again.
10) Proximity Mines are a double edged sword. Be CAREFUL with Proximity mines. For one, they are not team color coded. So you will never be able to tell if the mine layed down is yours or your opponents. So your best bet if you see an active mine is to stand clear of it and take a single shot at it to blow it up. Better safe than sorry.
If you don't understand how to tell if a mine is active or not, simply look at the light coming out of it. If it's a single light and it's blinking, it's active and if you get anywhere near it, you're going to be blown up with it. If it's got almost a double light coming out of it that is solid and not blinking, it's not active and is an item you can pick up without worry. Be careful to not get tricked into walking into an active mine placed amongst a group of inactive ones.
Next, Mines take TIME to activate. Once you lay one down, it does NOT automatically go off if your opponent walks into it. It has to take at least 2-3 seconds to 'activate' before it will trigger within proximity of an opponent.
Therefore, if someone is chasing right behind you, laying a proximity mine down to try and stop them is the STUPIDEST move you can make. For one, in the time you took to place the mine down, they've now caught up to you. Second, they will walk right over that mine before it activates and never get hit by it. And three, they will almost guarantee to see you placing the mine down and stop and shoot the mine to make it detonate on YOU. So you're doing NOTHING but hurting yourself by trying this tactic. It may 'seem' like a good idea in theory, but, with how proximity mines actually work, it's the WORST tactic to employ.
Only lay proximity mines down when you are sure no one is within range to blow it up on you as you lay it down, and also make sure the mine has enough time to activate by the time an opponent gets to it so that it will actually detonate on them.
Also, laying proximity mines out in the open is another stupid tactic as your opponent is obviously going to see them and either run the opposite direction or shoot them. Try to place mines in obscure locations, right around blind spots on a corner so the path looks clear but they get hit by it as they turn the corner. Place them behind doors or windows or at the tops of ladders. Put them in areas that are the most traveled in a level. Putting them in a part of level that no one will really ever be in too often is a waste. Again, high traffic areas are the best spot, and again, try to make it in a blind spot so you can catch an opponent off guard into walking into it without knowing it.
Finally, your opponent can shoot your mine, but, hey, so can you. If your opponent just ran past your mine and it didn't blow up on them and they're now facing you down with a gun to your head. Shoot the mine yourself to send them flying, or at least stun them briefly for you to have a chance to run away.
11) Share ammo and resources with your partner. There is no reason you need to have a magnum, handgun, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, and sniper rifle while your partner has nothing but a default handgun. Share some weapons with them to help them be able to back you up and support you.
And above all else, DO NOT stand in fire-fight shoot outs with opponents. It's downright the stupidest thing you can do. Standing face to face unloading bullets into each other in hopes of killing the other opponent first is the stupidest strategy you can think of.
Even if you manage to kill the other player, you'll be left in terrible shape and be open to being killed almost immediately with one or two more hits. Again, this is counter-productive.
Take shots at them and manuever around them. Use the 180 to your advantage. If someone is chasing you, run away then quickly 180 and run right past them. 9 times out of 10 they will aim their gun and waste a few bullets trying to hit you in the process and you'll have run past them before they were able to fire at you. You now have a chance to 180 and take a shot at them before repeating the process, or at the very least have given yourself a bit of a lead in the run-away on them as well as have made them waste ammo in their gun.
So if someone has a shotgun and is chasing you and alls you have is your handgun, employ this strategy and repeat it until they waste all their shotgun shells or get frustrated and go after someone else. Then you can have a better shot at taking them on without risking your health in the process.
12) Suicide can be a good thing. If you're low on life and there's no heals around and the other team is close by, suiciding can be your best option. But, the only way to actively suicide is to make sure you don't land in the 'Dying' Status otherwise they can get the melee kill bonus. Some ways of suiciding without the Dying Status is to get yourself into the red then blow yourself up with an explosive round, flame round, proximity mine, grenade, or incindinary grenade. Whatever will make you die without putting you in Dying Status. You might lose a gun but at least you respawn with full health and ammo and the other team gets no points for your death.
On the same token, if you're on Experimental Facility or Missile Area, there are two little glitches for when you die. Running into the furnace on Missile Area is the easiest way to instant kill yourself without allowing your opponent any melee opportunities. As an added benefit, no weapons can drop in the furnace so you don't have to worry about losing a rocket launcher for the opponent to pick up if you kill yourself this way. The same applies to the Elevator on Experimental Facility. While you can't kill yourself with the Elevator, if you should happen to die while in the Elevator, no weapons will drop in there for the opponents. So use these to your advantage.
Only thing I have to say about this is the character selection comment. ALL the characters aren't equal, I'd definitely say Tribal Sheva is bad because she burns through ammo on her SMG like crazy, and Midnight Wesker doesn't even have a heal. That's all though.
ReplyDeleteShe can still kill you fast, and there's F-aids in every level, easy enough for a Midnight Wesker to grab one. So there honestly isn't much of a downside to picking any specific char. No one is really handicapped or 'better' than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteAlso if you're about to die and your partner is near, give as many weapons to your partner as possible. That way the weapons still stay with your team.