Sunday, October 4, 2009

Versus Beginners Tips

-Beginners Tips for Versus-

The following is a list of points to help guide you in the right direction when playing Versus. I've run across numerous people on the game who do inane things and get frustrated when they lose because of it. Yet, when messaged about it, they simply get defensive and give the "I just play for fun!" reply. Yet, it's obvious you're not having fun if you keep losing and quitting matches because of it.

The route of the problem is sheer ignorance in many players, and their stubborness to admit fault in that. So instead of getting frustrated and claiming ignorance, just follow these simple guidelines and yours as well as everyone elses Versus experience will be much more enjoyable.





0) Press the Back button when the match starts!!! If you've already seen the intro with Josh telling you what to do, PLEASE press the Back button on your controller in order to skip the intro. If even one player doesn't push back, everyone is forced to watch the intro. So PLEASE press the back button rather than force everyone to sit through the intro and waste time.

1) Rank on the Leaderboards for Versus does NOT mean anything. It doesn't matter what you think or who said what. It's a PROVEN fact that the Leaderboards for Versus do NOT show skill. The Versus Leaderboards rank you based on points you've earned from matches. You get points even for losing. Therefore, so long as you play more than anyone else, you can SUCK and lose every match and still end up at the top of the leaderboards. I'm Rank 52 on Shipdeck for Slayers, not because I'm some god at Slayers on Ship Deck, but because NO ONE plays normal Slayers for one, and no one plays it on Ship Deck. Therefore despite me myself not even playing Slayers on Ship Deck in months, I've been Rank 52 the entire time. It means nothing. If I got my friends to play with me repeatedly, I could EASILY get #1 on Ship Deck in Slayers, not because I'm the 'best' at it, but, simply because I farmed the level to get that rank.

Mercenaries ranks you based on your score in a level. Therefore Mercenaries Ranks on the Leaderboard show your skill and are a testament to how good you are. Versus does not. So do not run around thinking you're hot shit because you're high on the leaderboards for Versus. I've played tons of people ranked in the top 10 for Versus Leaderboards and a lot of them were downright horrible at the game. So please check your arrogance at the door.

2) If you want to play a competetive Mercenaries, play Slayers. That's what it's there for. Killing Players is NOT the focus of Slayers.
If you want to kill other players in death match style, play Survivors. That's what it's there for. Killing Enemies is NOT the focus of Survivors.

3) Pay attention to the kind of game you're joining. If you join a Survivors match and think it's slayers and get killed left and right while getting zero points because you're killing enemies, who's fault is that? The room you enter will tell you in the top right corner what kind of match it is. Note what you're playing before you start playing.

4) If you join a match and see 2 people on Alpha Team and one on Bravo, do NOT sit on Alpha team yourself and hit ready. You are holding up the game. If you're playing Team games, there MUST be two players on each team in order for the game to start. You CANNOT start a match with 3 players on one team and a single player on another team. So don't be stupid and join and immediately hit ready while there are un-even teams. PAY ATTENTION and switch to the appropriate team. If you join as Alpha and there's already 2 alpha's, be intelligent and switch to Bravo team before hitting ready so that the match can actually start.

5) Make sure to hit READY after you pick your team and character. The match cannot start until all players have hit Ready. Do not wait for other players to hit ready first. Just hit ready and be set so the match can begin. Do not sit there with your team and character picked and leave it like that, the match cannot start and you are only annoying the other players in the room. If you need to type messages or something, do that prior to joining a room, or AFTER you hit ready. Don't make everyone wait while you decide to type a message to someone.

6) Refusing to be on someone's team because of the character they pick is the stupidest thing in history. Especially in Survivors, where EVERY character is balanced, who someone picks doesn't say ANYTHING about them as far as their skill goes. So if someone picks BSAA Chris, don't try and switch teams because you think they're a n00b. I myself play BSAA Chris as my main and I'm one of the most well known and respected players on the game. Switching teams over something so petty and trivial is just holding up the match and pissing people off.

7) You got a kill on someone, congratulations. Now what? Thanking, Taunting, or stabbing someone's body is probably the lowest thing you can do. You killed them, good job. You don't need to rub it in their faces. "Thanking" someone for killing them, taunting them after you put them in dying before you melee them, and then stabbing their already dead body (which does NOT give you extra points), is just downright petty and disrespectful. Alls you're doing is pissing people off and being an immature brat. It's no different than real life. If you're with a group of friends who all know each other and are having laughs together etc. doing stuff like that is all in good fun and no one will mind.

However, if you insult or taunt strangers who don't know you, and don't know you're joking etc. you're just instigating a problem with them and pissing them off. You're just blatantly being a jackass. So save your 'fun' for friends, and play respectfully with random strangers. Your arrogance is unneeded, and no, you're no where near as cool as you think you are.

8) Ok, so you're losing, someone's doing something you don't understand how to do, you suck at the game, or you're partner is an idiot etc. etc. Point is, you're frustrated. Now what? Quitting seems to be the best idea no? WRONG. Rage Quitting is the #1 bane of online gaming. Ask yourself this, WHY are you playing a COMPETETIVE online MULTIPLAYER game if you can't accept a loss no matter the excuse? WHY are you playing with 'random' people on your team if you can't tolerate having a lesser skilled teammate?

No matter how good you THINK you are, there are ALWAYS people who are BETTER than you. And you ARE going to lose. I lose, my friends lose, the people on the #1 spot on the leaderboards lose. That's life, ACCEPT it and stop crying about it.

You're also going to get stuck with IDIOT partners who have NO idea what they're doing and are going to make the match hell on you. Accept it. It's going to happen. If you refuse to deal with that, DON'T play with randoms. Only play with friends. If you CHOOSE to play with randoms, you CHOOSE to take the risk that you're going to get stuck with a crappy partner. Having a crappy partner is NOT an excuse to quit a match and screw everyone else out of the win and exchange points and leaderboard progression because you're 'frustrated'.

The world does not revolve around you. When you play offline, you can do whatever you want as anything you do affects you and you only. But, when you play ONLINE with OTHER people, your actions affect them. Stop being self-centered and ignorant into thinking it's all about you and 'you' aren't going to continue the match when you 'know i'm not gonna win' or 'when I have a crappy partner' etc. etc.

Again, that's life. Learn to accept the fact you're going to lose from time to time. And if you don't want crappy partners, don't play with randoms. It's that simple. There's no reason everyone else in the match should have to have the match end on them and lose out on their win, exchange points, and leaderboard stats simply because 'you' can't handle losing.

And lastly, if you ARE going to Rage Quit, don't be an arrogant asshole hypocrite and message other people about being 'pussies' etc. when 'they' quit on you. You get what you deserve.

9) Learn to manage your inventory more effectively, faster, and at appropriate times. Stopping to stand in the middle of a battle ground to play in your inventory is the quickest way to get yourself killed by an enemy or player. Play the game offline in the main campaign or Mercenaries and practice getting faster with your inventory. It will help, a LOT.

10) They used [X] on me and I think that's cheap! Wrong. Unless there is blatant cheating going on (of which case in my entire 7 months on the game, I've only encountered 1 actual cheater, so) it's a valid strategy no matter how cowardly or annoying it may be. Yes, again, it may be cowardly, and it may be annoying, but, it's valid.

If someone locks you into a burning animation over and over with flame grenades until you die, it's a valid strategy. It's not cheap. If someone uses a quick-shot rocket on you, it's not cheap, it's valid. The game allows these mechanics to be possible through it's own engine, therefore people are simply using the game engine to their advantage, there is no hacking or cheating going on. It's no different than being resourceful and using your surrounding environment to your advantage.

IF someone is spamming grenade launcher rounds at you, as annoying as it may be, it's a valid strategy. If you can't mount an effective counter to it, that's on your head for not being skilled enough. Play more and try to learn a way to counter it.

Complaining about players using tactics you think are 'cheap' and sending them hate mail or rage quitting over it is trivial and stupid. So many times I've seen people complain about various strategies yet then watched them use the SAME strategies themselves when backed into a corner. So don't be a hypocrite and complain just because 'you' got the shit end of the stick from it.

11) If you're new to the game or are not very good at it, and have a partner who does knowwhat they're doing and is getting all the points for your team, DO try to listen to them. If they ask you to "Come On" try to listen and follow them. If they request something fromyou, give it to them. Odds are they know how to effectively use that rocket launcher betterthan you do. If you're getting yourself killed over and over, isn't acting as 'support'the better option than going with your ego and losing the match because you feel the needto try and be Rambo?

Also, USE COMMON SENSE. If your partner is aiming their gun at the rocket launcher on the groundand says "Go!" to you, that does NOT mean run off and go fight the other players by yourself.It means "Go and pick up that rocket launcher I'm pointing at."

If you see your partner has a first aid spray or Her equipped, and they say "Come on!" or"Wait"it means they want you to come to them or wait up so they can catch up to you andheal both of you or at least give you the heal.

Again, use common sense. Do not take every adlib given by the characters so literally. Obviously, the only commands you can say are "Wait" "Go" "Thanks" and "Come on" thereforeit can be hard to communicate. So use your brain. If someone is using the laser sight on their gun to point at something and they say "Go!" they want you to go get it.

If they point at a proximity mine or a red barrel with their laser sight on their gunand say "Wait!" they are trying to warn you of the danger.

Don't be so pigheaded to run head first into everything and anything and ignore your partner.More often than not, he/she is trying to help you, so accept their help and listen to them,or at least TRY to. If you don't understand what they mean, try to use your best logic.

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