This, along with Quick Turning, is one of the most invaluable tactics you need to know in Versus. You need a control type that allows you to manuever the camera with the right stick however.
Simply aim the right stick (aka the camera) in the direction you wish to face /turn to and then press the Aim button. Your character will immediately face that direction in an instant. This is invaluable in firefights because if an opponent you're aiming at tries to run by you, instead of firing a shot and missing them, then getting shot from the side by them instead. You can camera turn to the side yourself and shoot them as they try to run past you.
Quick turning simply turns your character around in a 180, but you still have to take the time to aim afterwards. Camera Turning aims immediately as you turn so you can fire a shotgun into someone as they run by you. This is your offensive against players who quick turn a lot and run by you. Again, this is not a guaranteed kill on anyone, it requires skill and fast reflexes to use properly since you are manipulating the camera in your favor. If you manipulate it too far or too short or in the wrong way you can end up aiming at nothing or aiming at the ground and leaving yourself completely open to an attack.
Keep in mind it takes time with any of these tactics to get them down. So don't expect to walk into a game and start Camera Turning and complaining the other team is cheating because they're 'better' at it than you are. It's going to take time to master, so give it the time required.
This, along with Quick Turning, is one of the most invaluable tactics you need to know in Versus. You need a control type that allows you to manuever the camera with the right stick however.
Simply aim the right stick (aka the camera) in the direction you wish to face /turn to and then press the Aim button. Your character will immediately face that direction in an instant. This is invaluable in firefights because if an opponent you're aiming at tries to run by you, instead of firing a shot and missing them, then getting shot from the side by them instead. You can camera turn to the side yourself and shoot them as they try to run past you.
Quick turning simply turns your character around in a 180, but you still have to take the time to aim afterwards. Camera Turning aims immediately as you turn so you can fire a shotgun into someone as they run by you. This is your offensive against players who quick turn a lot and run by you. Again, this is not a guaranteed kill on anyone, it requires skill and fast reflexes to use properly since you are manipulating the camera in your favor. If you manipulate it too far or too short or in the wrong way you can end up aiming at nothing or aiming at the ground and leaving yourself completely open to an attack.
Keep in mind it takes time with any of these tactics to get them down. So don't expect to walk into a game and start Camera Turning and complaining the other team is cheating because they're 'better' at it than you are. It's going to take time to master, so give it the time required.
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