Sunday, July 25, 2010

Proxy Spawn Camping


This is the ONLY other tactic on the game that is downright cheating and should not be tolerated. This requires you to know exactly where spawn points are. It has you placing two proximity mines on top of one another at the exact spot that someone will spawn when they die.

If you happen to spawn in that spawn point, you will be instantly killed. No dying status, no nothing. You are just dead instantly and there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid it.

Some would argue that checking spawn points is the counter, but, this is not a viable counter because it is IMPOSSIBLE to check all spawn points at all times during the game to shoot and disable any proximity mines set there. If you're fighting my partner, I can easily be setting proxy mines onto a spawn point at the same time. Now if you get killed by my partner, you can end up spawning on the spawn point I just booby trapped and instantly die again.

Again, the reason this is 'cheating' is because there is no way to prevent it. If you spawn on a rigged spawn point, you're dead and there is nothing you can do to control it or stop it. You can't control where you spawn, and you cannot simply run out of the explosion. You're dead before you can even gain control of your character. Anyone who says they've walked out of proxy
camp spawns before is lying. Alls they did is walk out of IMPROPERLY set proxy camps. It simply means whoever set the proxy mines set them 'near' the spawn point, but did not set it exactly where the player will spawn, causing the mine to go off but not injure the player. Or they only set a single mine instead of two, which simply took 50% of their health.

You're effectively handing yourself free kills. Most players who use this tactic will also camp. And this provides a tremendous disadvantage over the other team since you've just handed yourself free kills and points by doing absolutely nothing, and now are camping out the time clock now that you're in the lead. It's one of the most cowardly tactics on the game and should not be tolerated by anyone.

And just as an example, we'll do some math here to prove how unfair the tactic is.

Points Chart:

Proximity Mine: 1500
Defeat a Player: 1500
Team in Last Place gets x2 Score Multiplier

Now, you're setting 2 Proxy mines per spawn. That's 3000 points when I spawn on it, 6000 if you're in last place. Add in another 1500 when I die, or 3000 if you're in last place. You just got 9000 points solely for me respawning if you were in last place and there was nothing I could do to stop it as I was dead before I could even move.

Now, for example lets say I spawned on 6 different rigged spawn points. Just 6 of them would net you 54k if you were in last place. 54k solely for me respawning.

Add on top of that, if you just killed me, I lost a weapon, and if I spawned on a Proxy trap and died, I lost another weapon. So now not only have you given yourself a mass amount of points for nothing, you've gimped me of my weapons as well.

Again, this tactic should not be tolerated by anyone. If you need to rely on this tactic in order to win, it obviously speaks volumes about you and your skill level.

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