Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weapon Discarding


Weapon discarding is when you have a shotgun for example and see a fresh one on the ground and purposely discard yours and pick up the new one to prevent the other team from getting it. You may ask what is wrong with this but, it should be simple.

If you hold all weapons in your own inventory and discard the rest so that the other team has nothing but handguns to combat you with, you've effectively crippled them. It's the equivalant of tripping someone in a race just to win.

Now if you go and sit and camp on top of this, you've just made the odds of the other team even having a CHANCE at winning slim to none. It is a bastardly tactic that very few people who knowingly see it happen will tolerate.

Again, you may argue that it's every man for himself, but, again, it is identical to tripping someone in a race in order to win. If you tripped someone in a race and won, NO ONE would recognize your win or tolerate your actions. The same concept applies here. No one is going to tolerate or respect your win for performing these actions. So do not be surprised when people quit on you when you do this. Anyone who 'Rage Quits' because of a weapon discarder is fully justified in doing so. And no, they are not 'cowards'. YOU are the coward who cannot win on your own and think you're 'good' for beating people who have nothing but handguns to fight you with while you have shotguns, magnums etc. and camp like a douche.

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